
you're imaginary (March 25, 2017)

03/25/17 11:57pm

All theses years I've pretended you're still mine

My memory corrupt I can't shake you from my mind

Lost blood and sleep and losing track of time 

If you don't know me now you'll be too far behind


I hold you in my grasp without even contacting 

Can you imagine it again but this time we're both wanting 

To learn and to grow and to let each be free

The impossibility of your vacancy and how it still has a hold on me


Three years gone by and I've avoided close bonding

Due to the ounce of hope I have since I'm longing

To reach out to you once stable untethered, degaussed 

But when I met face to face my foundation gets lost 


How can our time spent together 

Mean anything as you remain untethered

To the feelings we shared

By avoiding to remember 


I don't understand how you can treat me like a stranger

When you put your life in my hands and in fatalistic danger

You lost yourself in me 

I lose myself in you currently 


It's been too long and I have to forget

All of our memories just like you did

Why do I fucking hold on

To someone who won't treat me like a friend